Well...Four weeks ago, at our last post, the doctor looked at my cervical length which was 2.3 centimeters, and asked if I was still at work. AHH!!! "Yes, I am still at work" I said. She told me at that point that she wanted me back in every two weeks to check the lenghth of my cervix.
After that day, Dan and I decided that we would get proactive about the situation and that I would go on self-prescribed part time bedrest. To us, this meant that I would work and then come home and get in bed.
When we went back two weeks ago they measured my cervix and it had lengthened!!! It was up to 2.8 centimeters and the doctor said to keep up the good work. He really liked what he saw. Dan and I were on a complete high that we had received yet another small miracle.
We were feeling very confident when we went to the doctor this past Friday. This day we would be able to see the babies again along with checking my cervical length. They started the visit with the ultrasound of the girls. They look great and are at 44% growth which is about average for twins. They weigh approximately 1 lb and 3 ozs each and have strong heart rates. After the ultrasound of the girls they did a vaginal ultrasound to measure my cervix. For the first time during one of these ultrasounds I saw a foot in the picture!!! I quickly said that I didn't think that looked good. The ultrasound tech agreed with me and told me that my cervical length had shortened to 1 cm. This was such a jump from 2 weeks before that it was shocking to everyone. She mentioned that she thought that the doctor may put me in the hospital. Of course this brought tears of fear, confusion and desperation on my part. She sent us across the hall to see the doctor and mentioned that we needed to be put in a room to lay down.
Once the doctor got a hold of our ultrasound pics and report he brought us into his office to give us the news that I would need to be put on full time bedrest with only activity to be using the restroom and to take a shower. He has also prescribed a progesterone shot that Dan will be giving me once a week to help strengthen my cervix.
Pretty much he told us that it was critical that we don't have these babies within the next 3-4 weeks. He would like to see me get to at least 30 weeks. I am currently at 23 weeks.
I called work this morning to break the news and get my short term disability claim started.
I have started a list of things that I want to accomplish while I am down. Any good book or movie suggestions are welcome along with social visits. I am taking appointments to hopefully keep me from going crazy. One of my girlfriends is going to bring over her sewing machine and give me a lesson. I may look into making some things for the girls as well as organizing pictures, making phone calls and doing lots of praying!
I am not leaving this bed for a while, so please feel free to call and chat or email me. Please remember us in your prayers because we know that we have a good God that will always take care of us as he always has. It is a little scary, but we are very hopeful that God will continue blessing our family with more and more miracles to come!
I promise pics in the next post~